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Each family is required to contribute 16 work hours each semester. We have dates available for each parent to choose, and we try to be flexible in allowing this freedom to choose dates and jobs. Shifts are 4 hours for 4 days or 1 hour per week to fulfill the 16-hour requirement. When you sign up for a shift, we expect that you will fulfill your obligation. Please mark your work shifts on your calendar. Thursday Connection will send a reminder email with a list of workers for the week. Please check your emails.

Work Shift Check-in

Please be 10 minutes early for your shift to allow time to check-in and settle your children in their respective classes. At the shift check-in table, you must initial that you are present and pick-up a job description from the job description box. Please read and follow that description unless you are asked by the family work coordinator to serve somewhere else. At the end of your shift, please replace the job description. Thursday Connection reserves the right to place you in any job as our needs dictate.


  • If you have a schedule change, you are required to make the change with Shannon Osucha the week before your scheduled shift. The master list will be available during co-op hours through Shannon to obtain names and numbers of other workers with which to switch your dates. You may also access the list through Shannon by email during the week ([email protected]). It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself. When you have made a switch or found a replacement, please notify Shannon as soon as possible.
  • If you choose, you may buy out your family work time at the rate of $75 per 4-hour shift for a total of $300 per semester. This option is for returning families only (must have been in-person for two consecutive semesters.) Some workers may need to buy out shifts and serve family work time in various combinations. Please speak to Shannon about these options.
  • If you have a medical emergency or last-minute change during the week you are scheduled to work, it is your responsibility to find a replacement or hire a substitute. Then you should make Shannon aware of the change via email. The substitute list will be available online and the first few weeks at co-op. If you have a medical emergency the morning you are scheduled to work, you must call Shannon, and each emergency will be handled on a case by case basis.

‘No shows’

If you choose to be negligent in serving your family work time as scheduled, you will be fined $75 (this includes a $25 substitute fee and a $50 fine) per 4 hour shift. If you are a “no show” for 2 shifts, action may be taken by the board regarding the lack of commitment by the family in question. Please be diligent in service and worthy of trust by full cooperation and participation in our program.


If you are late, it makes it hard on everyone. Please be 10 minutes early for your scheduled shift to allow time for your own children to be settled into their respective classes and for you to sign in at the work shift station. You will be assessed a $5 penalty for every 15 minutes you are late for your shift. If you are 1 hour late, you will be considered a ‘no show,’ and be assessed the $75 fine. Occasionally, we all have circumstances that we cannot control, and Thursday Connection will try to take these things into consideration. By planning to be early, most of these circumstances will not affect your arrival.

Family Work Shift Coordinator’s Contact Information

Shannon Osucha: 919-0072 cell; Email: [email protected]