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New Family Registration

Thank you for your interest in Thursday Connection!  We are excited about the chance to meet you and share in your homeschooling journey.

  • Before you can register, you must request membership on our website, www.thursdayconnection.org.  Click "Join" on the top menu, and follow the instructions.  You will be sent an email with instructions on how to proceed.

  • New Family Registration (online) for Fall 2024 is on April 29, 2024 pending the number of open spaces available for families and classes after our current families register!  In-person work shift signups are on May 2, 2024 - you MUST attend in person to sign up for your family's 16 hours of work for the semester

           We will contact you via email with details. 

  • Family Registration fee and Student Insurance fees must be paid by May 9, 2024  to hold your spot at Thursday Connection.  You can pay via online through our website.  The following fees will be due:
    1. Payable to Thursday Connection:
      $85** per family Registration Fee (once per semester)      
      $10 per student Insurance Fee (once per school year)
      $5 per family Parking Fee (once per lifetime)

    2. Payable to each teacher:
      First month's tuition
      Materials fees

      Please Note:  We collect tuition 4 times per semester.  Once at registration and then again on the first Thursdays of September, October, and November.  Materials fees are collected once per semester, at registration. The process repeats itself for Spring semester - February, March, and April

                                             WE DO NOT PRORATE ANY FEES FOR ANY REASON

                     Tuition and materials fees vary per class and are listed on the class schedule matrices and the course descriptions document, both found online.

                     Questions?  Please contact the registrar via email for assistance: [email protected]